Monday, July 16, 2012

I'm back.

Wow... it has been a while. I'm not sure I can give a complete reason for such a long absence, except perhaps that I just needed a break. Sometimes writing this blog, as I gain more readers, I feel a pressure build that my writing has to in some way mean something for everyone, and I'm not sure if it really does. I mean, I hope it does, but then I feel like I'm writing more for my readers than anything. And I set out to write these pieces for both myself and for my readers.

So for a while there, I started writing things that were not invested in myself enough. I hope that makes enough sense; I don't mean I feel a need to constantly talk about myself, but I just need to be in my writing, I need to come through.

The drafts I have saved in the past couple of months are okay I suppose, but I think my journalism subject last semester kind of messed with my perception of audience. I don't want to think of you as 'audience.' I'm not writing for an 'audience,' I'm writing for you, the individual reading this, and for me.

And so, I will be back soon with me, for you.

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