Wednesday, November 17, 2010


So I'm just recovering from my first near-death experience... Okay, perhaps that's a bit over-dramatic, but it was the most scared I've ever been in my life and death seemed a almost likely. I ate chicken for dinner, and I swallowed a bone which then proceeded to block my breathing passage and induce an anxiety attack. I'm okay now, but it made me realise how easily life can catch you off guard.

If you were to die tomorrow, would you be happy with everything you have achieved? The kind of person you were? Even the thought of not having a future to be part of is so scary. the chance to do all that you had hoped to through life. I know I wasn't going to die tonight, but it made me realise how lucky I am to have life to look forward to... and life seems different now. It's like it's put things into perspective. Okay, I may seem a bit over-dramatic again, but I'm sure you know what I mean.

That aspect made me think of the play I went to today. It's called The Grenade, and it's about a grenade that a family finds in their house (with the pin in of course) and they try to determine who planted it. In one of the scenes, Randy pulls the pin from the grenade, still clasping shut the release. The other two characters who are in the room eating muffins back off hurriedly, scared for their lives, threatened by the idea of death.

When Randy puts the pin back in place, the others take a sigh of relief, being given back their chance of Future, and the muffins they had been eating tastes a thousand times better. That's what I'm saying... But why can't muffins taste that amazing every day?

Shouldn't we just appreciate life as we are, and realise how lucky we are to have Futures to look forward to? We have to savour every muffin life throws at us.

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