Friday, March 4, 2011


One thing I've been pondering lately is people's inherent need to divulge all their thoughts to others. I've come to realise that every action we take, and every decision we make becomes the seed to further opinions and countless thoughts brewing in our minds, making it nearly impossible to keep them within ourselves. We have to let them out somehow, and where better to place them than in the minds of others?

Although it often poses a challenge, it is one of the most relieving ways to let go of something, or even to come to some sort of conclusion just by speaking the words that have been playing over in your mind.

It seems that by talking about things, new conclusions can be made. When you say the words aloud, you are now hearing them in the mind of those you're telling. Their judgements, or more, the judgements you believe they have, allow you to look at what you're saying from a different perspective.

Sometimes it's inevitable that our thoughts jump out, as if our mind hadn't a second to hold it back, which brings us back to that inherent need to let it out. The question we come to answering then, becomes whether we should have let it out or if it would have been better kept in. Was this new conclusion desired, or would we have rather kept hold of our own opinion? Though, don't forget, it is our choice to hold onto whichever side we wish.

I think that despite everything, expressing our thoughts is our best choice. Why let something boil when there is always someone out there who is willing to listen? And there always is. I guarantee it. It just may not necessarily be a person, but perhaps a pet goldfish, or a blog ? Whatever it is, I encourage you all to express your thoughts, fears, aspirations, despite the risk of judgement or new conclusions. Who are we without what others help us become?

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