Friday, December 2, 2011

16 things.

16 things I learnt in the past 16 days, in which I had been MIA here at Passionately Curious:

1. Turns out chocolate isn't always good for you. (Who would have thought?)
2. Dropping your phone down a flight of stairs... also not good.
3. Dropping your guard, however, can be good.
4. Some men do like The Notebook, despite their denial.
5. No matter how many times you go in, operations and surgeries never get easier.
6. I should be thankful for what I have; there are people complaining less, even with more to deal with.
7. Deformed belly buttons are not the end of the world.
8. There are many things wrong with me, but there are many things wrong with all of us.
9. Don't have pain killers without food. Nothing good will come from this.
10. Fears and inhibitions are only avoidable in a conscious state of mind.
11. Beavers' teeth never stop growing.
12. You can tell a great book from the first page.
13. Atonement is not always obtainable; we must let some things go.
14. I am 19, not 18. (I should probably start getting used to that at some point.)
15. Not speaking is sometimes as important as speaking.
16. If you're questioning whether something is right or wrong, the questioning is your answer.

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