Monday, September 27, 2010


I would like to know why high schools force us to go through so many endings when it comes to 'The End.' In the past week of high school - which indeed was the last - we had 1 last day of classes, 2 graduation masses, 2 presentations of our end of year results, and 1 end of year excursion. It doesn't even seem like the end anymore.

It's like "Oh this is it! ... But wait, you have to say Goodbye again tomorrow ... Okay, this is it! ... Wait wait wait ... You must first graduate.. Again. Tomorrow."

I haven't even had the chance to be emotional about it. You'd think leaving all of it behind would count for some emotional reaction, right? I guess once I start reading people's messages on my graduation bear, I'll crack open. But I am currently avoiding that. Perhaps I'm avoiding the thought of it really being the end. I like to think I am ready to move on, into a new adventure, but I really can't say that I am just yet.

Speaking of signature bears and all those kinds of things, I find them really fake sometimes. That's why I only got a bear, so that there was limited space for people to write - thus an excuse to only have my close friends write something and I knew it would count for something, and really mean something.

Some people are getting random classmates that they knew from some class back in the day... I mean, what do these people know about you? I was asked to write in a few of these random books. I don't know what to write in them. I didn't really know them. It bugs me really to see someone try and draw something sentimental from someone they haven't that connection with. What's the use? I would rather a less amount of messages from a group of people who mean more to me. Does that even make sense?

This brings us to social obligations. But that's for next time! I have a Maths past paper to get started on... :) Peace.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back in time.

If you could go back in time, would you change anything? I hear so many people talk about regrets it makes me wonder whether they'd actaully go through with changing things if they could.

Do you really want to be someone that you aren't today? What's stopping you from changing now? Where would you be if it hadn't been for the people and events in your past?

Although a lot of stupid stuff has happened in the past, and I may have made mistakes, it made me who I am. Okay, I know I'm sounding completely cliché now, so I'll stop here. Think about it though :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dear little me.

Challenge Post 04- A letter to the person you were 10 years ago

Dear Little Me,

Most boys are douchebags. The only one you can always trust is your Dad, the rest you must wait and figure them out for who they are. Wait to meet him. And trust me, you'll know who I'm talking about when you do. And never doubt it for too long :)

You're going to come to a point where people's thoughts seem more important than your own, but sweetie, this is not how it works. Look in the mirror and believe with all that you are, that you are strong and should stay just the same. Don't change because they're changing... Do you really want to be like all of them?

Moving to a high school where you know no-one is going to be scary. You may think that it feels like the end, but really it's only the beginning. Don't get bitter though, your worst enemy is going to turn into your best friend, and you'll never lose touch. You're going to meet the craziest girls there soon enough; and you'll love it.

You must follow your heart. And your instincts. Oh, and don't jig. You will get busted. Oh! And when you think you know the answer to the Secret Sound on the radio, CALL! Otherwise someone else will be $50 000 richer. Then save it.

The rest I leave to you. Never doubt yourself, you know more than you think you do. :)

With love,
Your future self.

Friday, September 3, 2010


As each day passes at school, I realise how much I really won't miss it. I know that sounds weird or whatever, but I'm serious. I'm really over it and just ready for a new adventure. It's been 13 years of being stuck in the same routine; we've never known anything else. Everyone says they'll miss the social side, but if you're close, then what's preventing you from seeing your friends beyond school?

Challenge Post 03- A picture of you and your friends

Friends are amazing things. I know I seem completely cliché in saying so, but oh well, it's my view. The girls I hang out with at school have become almost like family to me - 'Ohana' as Lilo would say. We're the crazy bunch who play Hide'N'Seek at lunch, and go into hyper-drive much too easily :)

Shams, Emma, Provie, Nat, Miriam, me, Aleks, Bec... Alyssa's missing.
We're really tight, and what I love is that we can be ourselves around each other... A lot of people are too afraid of what other people think - even their friends - that they're hindered from being who they are. In my group, however, we're pretty much as crazy as each other, so there's not even room for criticism.

We've never had a fight... Which seems much too common for a grade full of girls. Ha. Who am I kidding? High school is so full of drama and gossip and rumours, but my group has this awesome protecto-shield from all that bullshit. Between us, the only thing we would argue over is food.

They really do mean a lot to me, and I can't wait for all the adventures that lie ahead... Especially after HSC!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The meaning.

Challenge Post 02- The meaning behind your blog name

Passionately Curious comes from a quote of Einstein's actually;
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious"
I often find myself in a predicament of not knowing who I am or what I want to be, where I want to go, what I wish to do... And a lot of people go through it as well.
So when confronted with the question of where I'm headed, the quote is my simple thought on the matter.

Sure, there are things I'm good at, but they stem from my curiosity of wanting to know more; this desire to discover things and experience the world for what it is. And don't get me wrong, I don't mean this in a bad way at all; it allows me to figure out the things I want and the person I wish to be.

You know, Einstein was a pretty awesome guy. He proved that molecules and atoms exist; laid the foundation for quantum mechanics; came up with the theory of special relativity; oh and did I mention E=mc2 ? He wrote and published five of history's most important science papers at the age of 26 in his "spare time." Simply amazing. And who doesn't love his scruffy hair-do?

I'll leave you with another brilliant Einstein quote to ponder on...
"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education."