Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The end of Summer.

These past two weeks have been crazy for me, and hence why I haven't been on the net so much. Which is actually very refreshing, though missing the chance to write here as much.
One of my favourite Summer moments. ♥

It's now coming to the end of my Summer break before I start uni for the first time and I've come to realise how much has happened these past four months; all the things I've achieved, the relationships in my life that have grown, and the ones I have lost.

What have you achieved over the Summer? And don't even consider saying "Nothing" because even the smallest of things can become a great achievement. Perhaps it was finally getting the chance to finish that book, or reorganising your room, or even beating your last high score on COD. Does COD even have high scores? I can honestly say I have no idea how that game actually works!

Although Summer will soon be behind me, I can sincerely say that I cannot wait to start university! I'm pretty sure I haven't yet corrected myself from earlier... I am no longer going to USyd, but UNSW now. USyd only decided to make me aware that they don't offer my majors for first-year students on the day of my enrollment! GrrRr *waves fist* The moral of the story: Be sure to check that the course you are after is actually offered for the time period you wish to begin study!

Oh well, after visiting UNSW yesterday for orientation, I have discovered how absolutely wonderful the place is... and I secretly love that USyd didn't offer my courses for first year. I am no longer blinded by the awesomeness of the sandstone buildings and can see clearly that UNSW was the better choice all along!

So anyway, I hope all your Summers have been awesome. There's only a week left, so make the most of it! And good luck to all of you who have started uni this week, or are like me and got an extra week of laziness to hang around at home and start next week! :)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with Uni! I wish you all the best. Study hard, but remember to find time to enjoy it. You will meet a lot of new people, some of which will probably remain in your life for a long time.

    I don't think I have remind you of all people to to stop and smell the roses along your journey ;)
