Thursday, July 14, 2011

Inevitable or intentional?

Is it ever really possible to be completely honest with a person, even yourself? Sometimes denial and ignorance is so much easier than honesty, and sometimes it's simply because a heightened version of the truth seems more interesting.

Nonetheless, no matter how hard you try, I don't think it's ever possible to reveal to another person who you honestly are. Why? Because we are all much too complex. We have difficulty comprehending for ourselves who we are exactly, how can you expect someone else to understand it?

They would have to live all your years in your body and mind to even begin to get it. In the real world, the impossibility of this concept offers us the opportunity to somewhat deceive others' perceptions of us - hiding some parts and exaggerating others, and this is the dishonesty in my eyes. And let's face it, lying is inevitable.

Before you start getting all defensive, "lying" isn't always the big, scary, mean word we all jump to conclusions with when we hear it. It can be as simple as not wanting to hurt someone's feelings, or exaggerating what you got up to on the weekend. Now, I am not exactly condoning the use of lies, I am simply pointing out the fact that everyone is guilty of it, in one way or another.

So where stands the line between truth and fiction? "Not being honest" and "lying" are two similar, yet very different things. As I began this post with, I don't think it is ever possible to be completely honest with anyone, sometimes yourself included. But lying is the intentional deceit we impose on others; our own way of shaping the way they understand us.

Simple lies can save us, but others push us into even lying to ourselves. And no matter how much people can't comprehend the complexities of what makes you who you are, it is ever worth losing yourself?

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