Sunday, January 29, 2012

Adventures to be had #1.

Sometimes I feel like there are so many things in the world that it's overwhelming - so many places to visit, things to experience, emotions to feel, books to read, skills to learn, so many people to savour every moment with... This post is the beginning of my stream of adventures to be had.

The architecture, the art, the food, the fashion... Paris, France.

I have visited Paris in the past, when I was only young. The experience always changes when you grow older; there are new things you want to see and do. When it comes to places such as those beautiful spots in Europe, I don't believe in site-seeing. I would rather spend a long period of time in a beautiful place living like a local than a short period looking at the things we're told we "have to see" when we visit.

Qui peut résister? Paris est magnifique!

1 comment:

  1. paris is beautiful :]

    it was always one of the places i wanted to go (for some reason..)

    but now that i have, i can say first-hand that it truly is an awesome place
