Monday, January 9, 2012

Holding our grudges.

I don't know why I haven't been able to complete any of the different drafts I have saved to this blog in the past few weeks. Sorry for the absence; I guess it's really been a challenge to get my thoughts in order. And there has been a lot to think about.

The one thing that has come up the most in this time has been grudges. They've popped up in conversations, situations and contemplations on end! Perhaps this is because of the whole "new year, new beginnings" thing and people want to begin the year without bitterness, but in saying this, I don't understand it.

I don't think we should be getting over our "grudges" just because we've suddenly decided to have a clean slate ahead of us. We have to clean that slate ourselves, not just dump its contents on the ground and expect everything to be okay.

A grudge is "a persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury." People say we should let them go because there's "no point holding onto the past," but really, these past insults or injuries change the way we see the person who had caused them. We are given the chance to learn a new side to their character. By suddenly letting go of a grudge without reason, we're ignoring that part of who they are.

Now I'm not saying we should hold onto our grudges forever; I'm just saying perhaps we're better off figuring them out. Has the person changed? Or do we simply wish to imagine they have changed? There's a vast difference.


  1. Yes grudges are in the past, and as much as i hate the past and hate looking back at it,grudges aren't something you just drop, you have to fix them and that's how you put it in the past properly without worrying about them as you try to move foward.
