Sunday, January 22, 2012

Things that win my heart #12.

Books by your favourite author that come autographed!

But more importantly, books that can make you laugh and cry in the same sentence; that you finish overnight for lack of power to put them down, delving into your fears and hopes through them. Ones that you forget are fiction because they're too wonderful, daring, terrifying, poetic and honest not to be part of the real world.

Thank you John Green.

"I believe the universe wants to be noticed. I think the universe is 
improbably biased toward consciousness, that it rewards intelligence 
in part because the universe enjoys its elegance being observed." 


  1. I think i want to start reading books by John Green... A guy at my school likes him to...

  2. Have you read Paper Towns and Looking For Alaska... Cause those are the books i know that kid from my school read... He did his english oral on them... (the one i had to do which for the first one my project almost got thrown out and the other i did ABSOLUTLY HORRIBLE ON!)

  3. I definitely recommend them! Perhaps for when you're a little bit older though, as some issues the books delve into may be a bit age-inappropriate at this point.

    Yes, I've read all of his novels. They are all incredibly wonderful :)

    And I'm sure you did great on your projects!
