Thursday, April 14, 2011

Great expectations.

2 weeks? Eek! Sorry, once uni assignments settle down a bit, it'll be back to normal here :)

And! Speaking of "normal," that's actually the direction this post was heading in... Well, sorta. You see, uni has had me thinking about how we make the decisions we do, and what/who we base them on. Is it our drive to feel normal and accepted, or are we trying to rebel?

Consider what people wear, or more specifically, what you wear. When you dress yourself in the morning, do you think about how you feel in the clothes, or how other people will interpret them? In other words, who do you make the decision for?

This question is not only relevant to how we dress, but every single decision we make on a day-to-day basis. A lot of the time, we're basing our decisions on what people expect of us. Or even, what we expect them to expect of us. And then it turns into this giant, confusing cycle of expectations and obligations and sometimes losing sight of who we are.

"No, I can't sing and dance like crazy on the Library Lawn; I'll look like an idiot." Damn it, who thinks you look like an idiot? And why should it matter what they think if you sing and dance like crazy? If you want to sing and dance like crazy, then sing and dance like crazy! Why should others' judgements stop you?

And then there are people who purposely feel they have to go against people's expectations, just for the sake of doing something no-one would imagine they'd do. Isn't that just as bad as acting according to what they expect? Cause don't you see, you're still basing your decisions on what they think.

If you're doing something because you truly want to do it, then do it. By all means, follow that desire. But if you're doing it to prove someone else wrong or right, I think you should reconsider, because really, it's your life. Don't forget that.

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