Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ward 2B. (Or not 2B?)

Hi all :) Sorry for the lack of posts these past four days, but I was actually in hospital which is a reasonably reasonable reason if you ask me. I'm fine now though, so thumbs up! Seriously though, hospitals are terrible. Wait no, let me rephrase that... Hospital food is terrible. And channel choice! Oh my goodness. I am thankful, however, for all their help over the time that I was there... The nurses were so sweet! :)

Now I know I shouldn't be complaining about the TV, but honestly, thank goodness for the Frasier marathon playing all weekend... Really helped me fall asleep!

But the food is a serious issue in my eyes. I mean, I was on the drip for 2 days (torture!) but then when I could eat, I was served food that practically came out of a can! Aren't they supposed to be helping their patients, not making them even more sick?!

They call this "food" ?!
My weekend...

Hours spent in "emergency" waiting room: 2
Total hours spent in hospital: 63
Needles endured: 12
Hours without food: 42 (felt like a lifetime!)
Chocolate eggs eaten in hospital since given permission to eat: 9

Times I beat Anthony at games he brought: All times (hehe)
Times Anthony dropped Hang Man pieces across the floor: 2
Number of gross meals: 3
Number of awesome meals brought to me by loved ones: 4 :)

Times I had to be woken up in the middle of sleeping by nurses: 4956328! (approx)

Title credit to Mum for making fun of the ward name. Haha :)

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