Saturday, April 23, 2011

Some popular ones.

For today, I thought I'd just feature some of the highest viewed posts on Passionately Curious :) Lazy? Perhaps. But I promise something more in depth will come soon :) Enjoy.

The poison. - So I'm attempting to mend my broken things. To face people you've wronged is difficult though...

The meaning. - Passionately Curious comes from a quote of Einstein's actually; "I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious"...

Masking our fear. - My grade's actually quite funny. We're all acting as if everything is okay on the outside, but I think we're all just masking our fear at the moment...

People are interesting. - Sitting here at my desk, I have a second level vantage point to the houses across the park from me. Particularly "Barry." Well, to be honest, I've never actually met him, and nor do I know his real name...

Just let go. - Why, if we are so filled with excitement, passion or happiness, can't we dance like crazy in public? All those peering eyes shouldn't count for a thing. To hell with it!...

The recent me. - When I was younger, I wanted to grow up to be the pink Power Ranger...

Great expectations. - A lot of the time, we're basing our decisions on what people expect of us. Or even, what we expect them to expect of us...

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