Monday, December 6, 2010

Worst movies ever.

During my holidays, I have found myself with so much spare time it's insane (and awesome!) It's difficult to get bored... I'm not too sure how people even reach boredom when you get holidays like this. Anyway, with some of said spare time, I fit in some movies here and there and I thought I might share with you my bottom rated movies ever... in no particular order

Miss March
I only watched this recently and I cannot believe I made it through to the end. It follows the story of this guy Eugene who fell down the stairs the night of his high school prom, is in a coma for four years, wakes to find out his long-time girlfriend is now a Playboy bunny, and sets out to find her with his douche-of-a-friend Tucker. There is a complete lack of a real story line - or morals for that matter. Oh, and he can't control his bowels due to the fact that he's just come out of a coma. Jee, that's entertaining :|

Burn After Reading
I don't understand. Brad Pitt... George Clooney... How could it have gone so, so wrong? This film seriously lacked any meaning. Two gym employees who find this ex-CIA agent's memoirs that they then try to sell back to the CIA, and later the Russian embassy ? It was executed so badly. And Brad Pitt's character dies in what I believe was the worst screen death ever. I mean, I'm not saying that death is supposed to be entertaining. But in this film, it was just like BLAH! and he's dead. They presented it really poorly, with no thought.

Blues Brothers 2000
Don't get me wrong, Blues Brothers, the original film, was good. I watched it as a child and remember enjoying it heaps. But the sequel. Wow. Bad. Elwood is released from prison to re-unite with the band and play at this Battle of the Bands, and ends up being chased by the police, the Russian mafia, and a militia group ? And if I remember correctly, there were aliens in it... and not the good kind like Star Wars or even the okay kind like ET, but the totally weird kind like in My Uncle the Alien.

Date Movie
Wow. See, I would try and describe for you what this is even about, but really one of its downfalls was its lack of plot. Nothing actually happens! It's just a compilation of really bad parodies. Oh, the most horrible thing I remember though was when they did the makeover on someone and the lyposuction was used to fill a huge jar of mayonaise. Nasty.


  1. there is no "like" button, so here you go. "LIKE" :)

  2. Haha. Whoever you are, thank you :)
    And sorry it took me so long to see your comment. I never get alerts for comments :/
