Monday, December 27, 2010

Another been and gone.

HAPPY SILLY SEASON :) I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever day it is you celebrate this time of year!

It seems so strange that another one has passed so soon. All those weeks of build up... Christmas carols playing everywhere, photos with Santa, shaking gifts as a way of attempting to somehow interpret their contents from the way they knock against the side of the box. All of it. Over. Poof. Just like that.

And somewhat mirroring just how fast another year has gone by. To be fair, I was caught up in HSC and as much as I wanted it to speed by, it did and it's gone. But it occured to me that every year there is something; something that pushes the time to turn faster and memories to zoom past us. Have we got time to slow down and really enjoy time? Or will we always get caught in something?

2011 is fast approaching. Take time to just lie on the grass, or swim in the ocean, or just sleep without any stress of Tomorrow. What ever memories you plan to create in 2011, make them worth it. Each day's only given once. Grasp that shit. :)

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