Thursday, February 24, 2011


There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;
There will be time to murder and create,
And time for all the works and days of hands
That lift and drop a question on your plate;
Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions,
Before the taking of a toast and tea.

- The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, T.S. Eliot

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The end of Summer.

These past two weeks have been crazy for me, and hence why I haven't been on the net so much. Which is actually very refreshing, though missing the chance to write here as much.
One of my favourite Summer moments. ♥

It's now coming to the end of my Summer break before I start uni for the first time and I've come to realise how much has happened these past four months; all the things I've achieved, the relationships in my life that have grown, and the ones I have lost.

What have you achieved over the Summer? And don't even consider saying "Nothing" because even the smallest of things can become a great achievement. Perhaps it was finally getting the chance to finish that book, or reorganising your room, or even beating your last high score on COD. Does COD even have high scores? I can honestly say I have no idea how that game actually works!

Although Summer will soon be behind me, I can sincerely say that I cannot wait to start university! I'm pretty sure I haven't yet corrected myself from earlier... I am no longer going to USyd, but UNSW now. USyd only decided to make me aware that they don't offer my majors for first-year students on the day of my enrollment! GrrRr *waves fist* The moral of the story: Be sure to check that the course you are after is actually offered for the time period you wish to begin study!

Oh well, after visiting UNSW yesterday for orientation, I have discovered how absolutely wonderful the place is... and I secretly love that USyd didn't offer my courses for first year. I am no longer blinded by the awesomeness of the sandstone buildings and can see clearly that UNSW was the better choice all along!

So anyway, I hope all your Summers have been awesome. There's only a week left, so make the most of it! And good luck to all of you who have started uni this week, or are like me and got an extra week of laziness to hang around at home and start next week! :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Feeling good.

Birds flying high. You know how I feel.

Sun in the sky. You know how I feel.

Breeze driftin' on by. You know how I feel.

It's a new dawn.

                             It's a new day.

                                                        It's a new life.

                                                                                         For me.

                                                                                                           And I'm feeling good.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Things that win my heart #5.

Bonds and iTunes ads just have some of the most random, yet awesome songs that are so easy to fall in love with. I love this Feist song, and 15 to 20 by the Phenonmenal Handclap Band are two of my favourties :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Amour aime aimer amour.

Hi. Yes, I know. I know. And I'm sorry! But I've been busy, okay? Give a girl a break. 12 days isn't so bad... right? Well I'm back into it now, so stop your complaining, hehe. Oh! and... HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY my lovely readers! I hope you had a great time with the one you care about; and, if you were riding soloOo this time around, you're right! Valentine's day is just a cheap excuse for something something..? Sorry, I'm not familiar with the spiel.

But to be entirely honest, it doesn't matter, because in the end it's just another day, right?

If you're with someone, you should be able to feel the love they have for you without having to be showered in an over-priced bouquet of roses. Every time you're with the one you care about, it's another Valentine's Day (minus the excuse to eat a million yummy chocolates just because you can).

And if you're (as I said, in probably the coolest way I could find to say "single") riding soloOo, then you'll always have that wondrous chance to celebrate Valentine's Day each time you're with the one you have found. Who needs one day in a year? Why not many? And even in saying that, who says you even need someone to take care of you? What are we without our independence? Okay, sorry, enough with the questions, I promise. My point is, don't get all beat about not being able to celebrate with someone, it's really not that big of a deal!

I'll leave you with this... "Amour aime aimer amour!" It's from James Joyce's Ulysses, and means "Love loves to love love!" And I could give you my own interpretation of the quote, but this time, I'm leaving it to you. I thought it might be appropriate for anyone today.

Goodnight! :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bold letters.

So some people ask me why I make random words or phrases in my blog bold... Well, there's a secret message that can be decoded by taking the first letter of each bold word, find the corresponding number for that letter (eg. a=1, b=2, etc.), then you add all those together, subract it by the total amount of words, then... Okay, I'm totally kidding.

I think I started making things bold because when I looked at my first post, People are interesting, it looked kind of bland being all the same so I thought making it bold might make it appear more interesting. I'm not sure if that makes any sense. Seeing myself write it out makes me realise how weird it sounds... But I've just done it ever since then.

It generally has to do with emphasis on the main points of the post. If you wanted to get a quick gist of what the post was about, you would read the bold letters. But in saying that, I can't guarantee that this will apply to all posts.

Oh well, it's just something I do and I thought I'd explain it seeing as some readers have been curious.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Things that win my heart #4.

The good ol' 90's cartoons. What ever happened to Captain Planet, Pokemon, Pinky and The Brain, CatDog, Doug, Daria?! *sigh* Now those were seriously awesome cartoons.