Saturday, July 24, 2010

People are interesting.

Sitting here at my desk, I have a second level vantage point to the houses across the park from me. Particularly "Barry". Well, to be honest, I've never actually met him, and nor do I know his real name. It's funny you know, cause I've never talked to him, but I know what days he does his laundry, the colour of his bedsheets, his dogs' names, and that he never wears any other shoes but those damn yellow flip flops! Okay, he just noticed me staring at him... Awkward smile, walk away!

oOookay, thought - I wonder if he knows random things about me. What would he know? Would he have a name for me? How weird. Wait, then that makes me weird. I swear I'm not weird.

I find people incredibly interesting. Their mannerisms, the way they compose themselves, the way they react to one another... I especially love watching discussions - two minds exploding together. Each person with differing views, shaped by lives lived on separate strands of the universe. It's interesting, in particular, to watch a discussion turn into an argument. I don't completely understand these yet. I mean, of course I've been in arguments with people, but I've come to realise that arguments generally result from misunderstanding. I can't comprehend how people can't try and look at the other person's point of view. But it is quite interesting.

Something else I love about people are their emotions; how each one can be so strong or so fragile. Some people have a heart of stone, but a mind that can shatter into a thousand tiny pieces in a single moment. And there are people, like me I suppose, who have a solid mask, but are easily broken on the inside. I sometimes wonder whether people can be split into two - solid heart or solid mind. Then again, we're surely more complex than that. Well then, how many pieces must we be?

On another note, I think the two birds on my fence are in love. Okay, I know that seems incredibly random, but every day they meet on that spot of my fence right outside my bedroom window. I can tell they're the same birds. They just sit there, cuddled close together, as the world goes by. I suppose that's a part of what love is... Moments of simple togetherness, looking in each other's eyes and seeing nothing but them; the rest of the world is a completely separate and faraway place.

Well, enough random rambling for one day... I should probably get some more study done! Arrivederci

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