Thursday, May 19, 2011

Finding the strength.

Well, you can't blame me for not posting for a week... almost. I mean, I probably could have yesterday, but I got a little carried away with online shopping. Yes, I know, that seriously contradicts my tirade in the post last month about online shopping, but what can I say? Some mistakes are inevitably repeated. (i.e. shopping. LOL)

In reference to my last post, I arrived home from hospital on Saturday. It's awesome to be back home, but man recovery is a pain in the... well, everywhere. At least at home there's a bit more privacy. You know, it's kind of ironic going to a private hospital, when being at a hospital is the least private thing ever. And once you're under general anaesthetic, bam! Control gone, and you're in the hands of doctors, surgeons, specialists... I know they're professionals, but they're opening you up and doing things to your body while you're far away dreaming! Totally creepy if you ask me.

Oh, and you know how I was hoping it would be my appendix? Well it turned out it was that plus two other things all in the same area! I won't go into detail, but I am all good for now :)

It's weird recovering from surgery; although you go in to be "fixed," for a while you lose the ability to function as you did before the surgery. I'm only talking from my own experience, but I'm sure a lot of cases are similar. For example, I couldn't even feed myself, eat solids, breathe too deeply, speak too loudly, walk fast enough to beat a turtle in a race, or even laugh without exerting myself!

I am happy to report however, that I can now do all of the above without too much strife! :) Of course there's still pain here and there, and I have to be off uni for a couple more weeks (so frustrating!) but I will be A-Okay.

Sometimes strength is hard to find, but creating strength to overcome it allows us to not only push through the challenge, but to grow from it.

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