Sunday, May 8, 2011


Sometimes caring about someone can be the hardest thing in the world. And I don't mean that in the way that it's hard to care about them, because really, that's the easy part; the part you fall into. But it's hard to see them put themselves in danger and you can't do anything about it.

Sometimes they refuse help, thinking they don't need it, or even don't see the danger at all. Their views are clouded by the shiny surface reflecting all the good - covering up all the danger and fears and downfalls - that they don't see what they're really getting into.

And sometimes you just wish you didn't care so much so you didn't have to make yourself sick with worrying. Sometimes you wish you could only care that amount that leaves you happy and not fearful.

Sometimes it seems selfish, and you don't want to hold them back from doing something, but do you let them learn for themselves? Or will the lesson entail something that cannot be erased from either of your lives?

They say you shouldn't live with regrets, but what if both sides of that decision will end with one? Which do you choose?

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