Monday, December 26, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

Ars longa, vita brevis.

"Ars longa,
vita brevis,
occasio praeceps,
experimentum periculosum,
iudicium difficile."
– Hippokrates of Kos (460 BC - 370 BC)
"Art is long,          
life is short,          
opportunity fleeting,          
experiment perilous,          
judgment difficult."          

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mismatched meanings.

Just like every other word in every language, "Sorry" seems to have different meanings to each person across the world. To some it may mean "I wish I hadn't done it" or "I wish you hadn't found out." Perhaps "I know you don't approve, so I'll just apologise to get off the hook." Maybe it means "I regret it and I won't do it again."

Whatever "Sorry" means to a person, the definition is created by the mix of experiences they've had in life. Were you ever forced to apologise to someone, or did you have someone say it to you and really mean it? Did someone say it a million times, once for evey time they repeated the mistake, losing the meaning of the word?

Every word has a connection with something within our lives, or will possibly have that connection in the future. What do you think of when you hear the word "dad" or "summer" or "illness"? We all have different relationships with our parents, all have had different summers throughout life, and all know illness in different ways.

So then we string together sentences expecting others to understand what our minds comprehend of them, when all these words will never mean the same to another person. I wonder if anyone ever completely understands anyone else.

And I wonder if anyone else thinks "Sorry" means that the person regrets their actions and doesn't want to do it again. Saying it without meaning can be worse and even more hurtful than not saying it at all. Don't apologise if you know you're going to do it again. Don't apologise if it's just because you think it's what the other person wants you to do. Don't apologise if you don't understand. And don't ever apologise if you're not sorry.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Across the world.

I'm trying to figure out how (and I'm really not sure) I forgot about the posting challenge I took on aaages ago. Compilation of challenge posts available here and will be updated. Can you believe I started in August LAST YEAR?! Oops.

Well, today it continues...

Challenge Post 07- Something you miss

My Canadian family.
Photo by Blink and You'll Miss It
I'm not sure if I'm able to write too much on this topic without getting myself upset, but to try and make you understand how I feel about them, try thinking of someone you love greatly, and then send them across the world, and then multiply this one person by so many. Minus the growing up together, and just dropping past their place whenever, or celebrating all our birthdays and Christmas together every year.

But do add late night board games and junk food, and add getting to know each other despite the distance. Then add the occasions we did get to spend together, and the snowmen we built. Add whispered conversations that went much too late into the night, and add all the experiences we shared in the past and will share in the future; moments we won't forget. Then glue it all together with great memories and love.

I really can't wait to see you all again.

Friday, December 2, 2011

16 things.

16 things I learnt in the past 16 days, in which I had been MIA here at Passionately Curious:

1. Turns out chocolate isn't always good for you. (Who would have thought?)
2. Dropping your phone down a flight of stairs... also not good.
3. Dropping your guard, however, can be good.
4. Some men do like The Notebook, despite their denial.
5. No matter how many times you go in, operations and surgeries never get easier.
6. I should be thankful for what I have; there are people complaining less, even with more to deal with.
7. Deformed belly buttons are not the end of the world.
8. There are many things wrong with me, but there are many things wrong with all of us.
9. Don't have pain killers without food. Nothing good will come from this.
10. Fears and inhibitions are only avoidable in a conscious state of mind.
11. Beavers' teeth never stop growing.
12. You can tell a great book from the first page.
13. Atonement is not always obtainable; we must let some things go.
14. I am 19, not 18. (I should probably start getting used to that at some point.)
15. Not speaking is sometimes as important as speaking.
16. If you're questioning whether something is right or wrong, the questioning is your answer.