Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Enough with the facade.

I really wish I could understand those people who act all "cool" and "tough," when truly they're just putting on this facade that is completely unfathomable to anyone outside of their little "posse." And it's not just the badass wannabes, there are people who intentionally try to appear snobby or mean when they're just not naturally that way. Why would you want to?

To the true badasses, snobs and mean people out there, this is not necessarily directed at you. Although some of you may need an attitude adjustment, at least you're not lying to yourselves (or the world.)

I mean, in my last long(ish) post I questioned the whole "who are we when we're being ourselves?" thing, but I was talking about different versions of ourselves, not pretending to be someone completely different! What's the point? Because reality check: You're making fools of yourselves.

Maybe it's something that you're missing, perhaps the need to fit in. But the truth is, people will respect you for being honest, whatever that version of honest may be for you. And more people will accept you for being who you are rather than any act you put on.

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