Monday, June 6, 2011


Not anyone or anything can be perfect... But sometimes we have these moments which could not be less than everything we could ask for. Sometimes, someone will come along and change us. They become that part of your life which feels a little scary at first, but it grows into something beyond that; creates a feeling of being safe and vulnerable, all at the same time.

You also begin to realise that this person is not separate from who you are anymore, but rather a new part of yourself; and you won't be the same afterwards. What makes these people in our lives so perfect is that they aren't perfect, they make mistakes, they're flawed, and they love you for being just the same; human.

Perhaps that is what's perfect - imperfection. Because what's the use of being perfect when no-one in the world is? We don't need to strive for perfection, but rather, be thankful we will never reach it. It's all our quirks and flaws that have us stand out in a crowd. And who in the world would want to give that up?

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