Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Challenging the double standard.

Often in a relationship there is a double standard... or many! I don’t mean just in couples, but in friendships and families as well. But how long makes it too long before you can break a double standard? It seems like after a certain point once a double standard has been established, there is no turning back.

I suppose sometimes these are inevitable, say between parent and child, or boss and employee. It's somewhat expected that the parent/boss would have higher say in the relationship than the child/employee, right? And sure, that's fine. That's appropriate.

But when you're on the same level as someone - which I would assume to be most relationships in life - why must there be a double standard? It's not fair. Shouldn't we be treated as we treat others?

I would say that it'd be you, as the one with the short straw, who would realise the double standard occurring, but would the other person ever realise it if you don't say anything? Sure, we could go with the benefit-of-the-doubt option, and say that perhaps they're just oblivious to the way things are.

Or as in many cases, they're just trying to feel powerful. I mean, what says power more than being able to do something to another person which they can't do to you?

So when do you get your chance to turn it around? Do you say something and make yourself look weak? Or will telling them make you look stronger? Whatever the case, I say do it. It may feel like it's too late, but now is earlier than tomorrow. Are you really going to accept the double standard, or will you finally put your foot down and challenge it?

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