Saturday, June 4, 2011

Who we were.

It's weird sometimes, looking back on photos from your past. The people you're still friends with, the ones you aren't, the outfits you used to wear, the places you would go... So much changes, grows and dissolves in time; it can be hard to keep track of who we were, versus who we are.

Without the person we used to be, how much of ourselves is left? Next to nothing. Even considering all the shitty stuff. I mean, if we hadn't done the things we may regret today, or had been friends with the ones who stabbed us in the back, or fell for the ones who broke our heart, what would we have learnt?

Our experiences teach us more than a textbook could ever offer. Our photos and memories of the past remind us of the lessons for our futures. Whether we choose to remember or not, is another matter!

So what would be different if you had not made a certain choice, or taken a move, or fallen in love? Doesn't every little choice affect what will happen in the future? Don't worry, I'm not about to go all Butterfly Effect on you, but if you think about it, life is a whole connected series of events.

And don't even think of telling me it's all about "destiny" and "fate." I'm not buying it, and I'm not giving up on my free will that easily either! Every choice we make, we make for our own reasons and based on our own experiences. It's not all laid out in a path waiting for us to simply follow it.

We build our own paths, piece by piece. Sometimes we cross our own with others' - whether it is just an intersection, or an entire highway - and sometimes pieces break away. But it is in finding the strength to pave these broken parts of our paths and move on, remembering of course those people we've met on the way and the lessons that should never go astray.

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