Monday, December 27, 2010

Another been and gone.

HAPPY SILLY SEASON :) I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever day it is you celebrate this time of year!

It seems so strange that another one has passed so soon. All those weeks of build up... Christmas carols playing everywhere, photos with Santa, shaking gifts as a way of attempting to somehow interpret their contents from the way they knock against the side of the box. All of it. Over. Poof. Just like that.

And somewhat mirroring just how fast another year has gone by. To be fair, I was caught up in HSC and as much as I wanted it to speed by, it did and it's gone. But it occured to me that every year there is something; something that pushes the time to turn faster and memories to zoom past us. Have we got time to slow down and really enjoy time? Or will we always get caught in something?

2011 is fast approaching. Take time to just lie on the grass, or swim in the ocean, or just sleep without any stress of Tomorrow. What ever memories you plan to create in 2011, make them worth it. Each day's only given once. Grasp that shit. :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Life is art.

"I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. They way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is art."

I'm not sure where that quote is from... but it's true. Although this is going to sound so cliché, life is art and we are the artists.


I love airports! Everything about them excite me... the duty-free shopping, the very agent-like fingerprint swiping, the X-ray machines, lots of people, those awesome trolley things that carry your bags, the cafes, and of course the travelling!

There is also something emotional always attached to airports for me. Any time I've travelled overseas I've visited my family in Canada, and so every trip has meant either anticipation or sadness (though I generally hold on to the former more as you can see in the intro of this post). And airports are full of these emotions. Picking up my Nonna from the airport the other day, I realised how many people are so affected by distance, with a front-row seat to a number of emotional reunions.

There are always two sides to a story, and for travel they are very large sides. The idea that we can travel to places on the other side of the world and discover cultures we've only seen in movies is extraordinary. Experiences like these are priceless and the knowledge we gain is for life.

However, the other side is the people we miss. Distance is okay if it's temporary, but when you have your family split between two countries, or a loved one fighting overseas, or your partner living across the world, it becomes difficult.

As I wrote in my English Paper 2 essay, "although there is a yearning for physical presence between two separated people, there is always an emotional connection that remains." So as long as distance only separates us physically, and there is something deeper than that that holds us together, distance is okay... well, temporarily.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Shout out to film!

I love film. It will always win over digital. :)

This is a camera I bought a few months ago at a "vintage market" for 5 bucks.. Bargain? I believe so. I also have a Diana F+ lomography camera that I had been wanting for agesss, and Anthony got for me for my birthday in October :)

Also in my growing "collection" of film cameras is an ancient Canonet which I'm not entirely sure even works! haha. And I even have a DIY cardboard pin-hole camera which Linda got me for my birthday... I find incredibly awesome. It's comprised entirely of cardboard, a little metal disk and loads of craft glue!

Anyway, film rocks. End of story. :)


My head is about ready to explode. All these results revealed this week... it's insane.

^ Haha. In regards to the above line, that was all I wrote on Thursday and I couldn't even continue! But it truly was insane... all the work we have put into the past year or so of our lives just Bam! squeezed into a series of numbers which will help define where we will end up next year, and evidently who we'll end up next year.

To all those who finished this year... CONGRATULATIONS! :) Now the pressure is off, and we can enjoy the freedom, rest and sunny(ish) weather. And whether or not you got the marks you had been hoping for, there are always alternative paths to what you want to do... Sorry, I'm starting to sound like a year coordinator now :| I'll stop. But you know what I mean! Don't give up! :)

To be honest, I am still unsure about the course I'm heading into next year. We're only young, and we already have to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life? Insane. Okay, sure, we can change our minds a thousand times, but still! I don't know about you, but I think it's incredibly daunting, especially considering how many different universities, courses, majors, etc... there are out there! Ahh! I think I'll be putting off making those choices for a while.

I hope all you HSC kids out there with me are happy with your results... but remember, this isn't the end! :) Good luck with university acceptances, tafe or college plans, gap year planning, and whatever else! Peace out.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I watched American History X today and in contrast to my last blog entry, it was brilliant and tragic. If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend. It explores the racist struggle that the world is faced with in modern times, and the strength it takes for someone to change themselves to become a strong and respectable person.

Sometimes it is easier for us to place judgement on others rather than getting to know who they are. Understanding is what this world is seriously lacking. The narrator of the film quotes Abe Lincoln at the end of the film and it's really stuck to me...Watch it, enjoy it, and you could possibly learn something from it :)

"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battle-field, and patriot grave, to every living heart and hearth-stone, all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature." - Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address 1861

Monday, December 6, 2010

Worst movies ever.

During my holidays, I have found myself with so much spare time it's insane (and awesome!) It's difficult to get bored... I'm not too sure how people even reach boredom when you get holidays like this. Anyway, with some of said spare time, I fit in some movies here and there and I thought I might share with you my bottom rated movies ever... in no particular order

Miss March
I only watched this recently and I cannot believe I made it through to the end. It follows the story of this guy Eugene who fell down the stairs the night of his high school prom, is in a coma for four years, wakes to find out his long-time girlfriend is now a Playboy bunny, and sets out to find her with his douche-of-a-friend Tucker. There is a complete lack of a real story line - or morals for that matter. Oh, and he can't control his bowels due to the fact that he's just come out of a coma. Jee, that's entertaining :|

Burn After Reading
I don't understand. Brad Pitt... George Clooney... How could it have gone so, so wrong? This film seriously lacked any meaning. Two gym employees who find this ex-CIA agent's memoirs that they then try to sell back to the CIA, and later the Russian embassy ? It was executed so badly. And Brad Pitt's character dies in what I believe was the worst screen death ever. I mean, I'm not saying that death is supposed to be entertaining. But in this film, it was just like BLAH! and he's dead. They presented it really poorly, with no thought.

Blues Brothers 2000
Don't get me wrong, Blues Brothers, the original film, was good. I watched it as a child and remember enjoying it heaps. But the sequel. Wow. Bad. Elwood is released from prison to re-unite with the band and play at this Battle of the Bands, and ends up being chased by the police, the Russian mafia, and a militia group ? And if I remember correctly, there were aliens in it... and not the good kind like Star Wars or even the okay kind like ET, but the totally weird kind like in My Uncle the Alien.

Date Movie
Wow. See, I would try and describe for you what this is even about, but really one of its downfalls was its lack of plot. Nothing actually happens! It's just a compilation of really bad parodies. Oh, the most horrible thing I remember though was when they did the makeover on someone and the lyposuction was used to fill a huge jar of mayonaise. Nasty.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dreams and nightmares.

There has not been a night in the past month or so that I haven't had a dream or nightmare. I sometimes find them difficult to face. I mean, where else but your self-consciousness will you find your true hopes and fears? In wakefulness it is difficult to enough to be able to honestly divulge to oneself (let alone to others) these things. Sometimes our dreams and nightmares are what help us realise them, and sometimes they are what create them.

I never thought I cared about the things my nightmares present. They introduce me to new fears. Doesn't the world offer enough to fear, without your subconscious having to make you realise the many more out there? But I suppose it is what we do with the fear... will we let it control us and get in the way of what we wish to achieve? Or will we face our fears and push through? In that sense, nightmares allow us to analyse what we fear and why we fear these things, allowing us to consider whether or not we should any longer fear them. Am I making any sense?

Dreams and nightmares give us a kind of freedom from our fears and allow us to recognise further our hopes, that our consciousness does not allow. Without dreams and nightmares, only our conscious selves can evaluate our lives, and sometimes that push to look at things subconsciously is just what we need.