Friday, August 6, 2010


So I haven't blogged in a few days... Sorry, I suppose I've been a tad uninspired. I'm spending most of my days now studying for trials. Oh the stress! All I want to do all the time is sleep. Haha. Can you blame me?

I took tonight off though. I mean come on; I don't have an exam until Monday... on which I actually have two but oh well. Tomorrow I'll be spending the day at school studying maths and rehearsing for drama :) So that compensates for tonight, yeah?

Tonight I finally got to see Anthony... Finally. Man I hate HSC. Oh, and my parents hung out with us too. Hahaha. Twas a tad awkward at some points, but I still enjoyed the time we got to spend together. We watched the end of some old movie, and then Grease. The first one... oh my goodness. There was this long-as sex scene in it :| Well, it probably wasn't that long, but when you're watching it with your boyfriend and your parents... LOL.

To a more serious matter however, can you believe Anthony had never seen Grease until tonight?! The poor kid. It may not be the greatest film ever, sure, I'll admit to that. But it's just one of those films you have to see. Like, Titanic or Chicago or... The Wizard of Oz. Know what I mean?

You know what I realised about Grease tonight though? I really don't like the ending. And no, I'm not talking about the flying car. Haha. Though that was pretty bad. I mean Sandy changes who she is just so that Danny can accept her. They have all these mishaps during the film, only to be brought together finally at the end because she conforms?! Why, Sandy? WHY?!

You should never have to change who you are for some guy, or anyone for that matter. Ugh. That was disappointing to realise today.

And now Australia's Next Top Model is reiterating this... I mean the positive of it I suppose. This girl Kimberly - my goodness, she's a bit odd and quirky, so everyone just picks on her. It's pretty cruel. The thing I love though is that she doesn't try to fit in just for the sake of fitting in. And why should she have to?

I think it's more fun being unique. Who wants to be like everyone else?

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