Sunday, August 15, 2010


Survival is probably one of the best feelings! Rising above something that at one point towered over you with power. I survived two things this week, and it felt so great.

Firstly, I survived my HSC trials! :) I am so glad they're over now. All that stress over a bunch of exams? So not worth it. However, I probably wouldn't have stressed as much if I had started studying earlier on. I think most of them went pretty well, but word from the previously unwise: STUDY MUCH BEFORE THE NIGHT BEFORE! Lol. It'll help.

Thing I love most about it is that now I'm a giant step closer to the end of the tunnel! I have exactly 60 days until my first HSC exam (and my 18th birthday for that matter) and I cannot wait for it to be over! I just want to do and learn what I want to, rather than all this other junk I won't remember or even need once that last exam is over.

I suppose school was what helped me to determine what I love though, so kudos to that. And to broadening my mind as well. Okay okay, school is actually pretty good. Yes, I did just admit that. But where would we be right now without school?

Thing is though this week my immune system had been destroyed, and I assume it's due to the stress, which really sucks. This is the downside of school. But this was my second survival.

Due to the lack of my already quite poor immune system, I caught a stomach bug on Thursday... Which I suppose was good timing in the sense that I finished my last exam that afternoon. But I was supposed to have a nice start to my long weekend of freedom, but no. Instead I was practically attached to a bucket, being revisited by past meals for the entire night. Oh the joy :/

You know what I hated most about it though? Feeling so weak, both literally and figuratively. You know what I mean? It's like we're defeated by our own bodies! We generally have control over ourselves, but sickness just takes all our power and brings us down to this horrible level! It's really not fair.

Well, as long as we're able to pick ourselves up again I suppose. Which is what survival is about too.

Exams - Take a break and come back from it stronger for the next ones.
Illness - Rest and regain control over our own bodies.
Job rejection - Learn some new stuff and be the best you can be.
Broken heart - Big tub of double chocolate ice-cream and the girls or guys.

And sometimes all you need is your friends. Don't ever underestimate these. You know how you would jump in front of a bus for them? Don't ever forget that they would do the same.

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