Friday, August 27, 2010


This week has been exhausting. Anyone who's done or is doing a HSC major work would know what I mean. I had my HSC Drama performances on Wednesday... All the late night, weekend and lunchtime rehearsals; all the scripting, editing and brain-farts; all the stressing, panicking and nerves... All worth it.

It's bitter sweet I suppose. Our little Drama family will hopefully not disperse after high school. It's been fun and absolutely insane working with the girls for so long. I'll miss it heaps.

But I moved on from exhaustion (or tried to) almost right away. That night I went to the St. Paul's Creative Arts Night with Anthony and his family. I can tell you now, those boys are talented. One guy I can promise you will be the next Jimmy Hendrix, or dominate. The Drama boys performed the most entertaining and hilarious Shakespeare piece I've ever seen or will see in my life. And I was in awe of the visual art on display.

Art is often hard to define. To me, it's what happens when the heart and mind combine and explode a person's interpretation of life into a medium, creating something that triggers someone else to engage in life and see something they had not before. As Edgar Degas once said, 'Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.'

My framed print of Edgar Degas's painting 'Dance Class' is one of the few things that have actually remained in my room over the years. My parents hung it on my wall when I was five and it has moved through seven different locations around my room since. From when I was young, the colours and textures intrigued me, pulled me in, creating a desire in me to be able to create such works.

I love art, and it's one of the few things I'm actually good at... without trying to blow my own trumpet. It's something I'm passionate about and love doing. That, as well as acting and writing (which are also technically arts).

I couldn't imagine life without passion... that thing that sets you on fire, that you could do for hours on end and not even realise a moment has passed you by. Which is close to, I suppose, what we could also define as love. When too much of something isn't enough, it sets you alive; and makes Forever an intensely and uncontrollably desired tangible.

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