Sunday, August 1, 2010


It's 12:43am, the day before my first trial HSC exam and I am wide awake. My sleeping pattern has been so thrown off by everything lately that it's crazy. I often stress too much to even get a proper night's rest anyway... Well, it's a mixture of stress and just random thoughts that go racing through my head constantly.

I've realised lately that there is never a moment that my mind is just silent... not observing, analysing or anticipating anything. Just left alone to sit there and simply be. Even when I'm asleep, my mind is off dreaming somewhere. Is it possible to achieve complete silence?

Anyway, rather than spending this time now that I'm awake studying for my English exams, I'm spending it looking for a film camera on EBay... I'm being oh so productive today already ;) And yes, film. I am really so over digital at the moment.

Honestly, photos are supposed to capture real moments and memories... And these things in life don't have a 'delete' button. Also, film offers much better quality, not just dependant on how many megapixels it can encapture in a photo. And remember those days you'd take the negatives to the photo developers and have to wait to get to see the photos you've taken? Anticipation is so underrated. Seriously, think about it.

Alright, sleepiness is starting to kick in now. Wish me luck for English!

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