Thursday, January 6, 2011

New year, new beginnings.

Ahhhhh! I haven't blogged in like a thousand years! Well actually it's been ten days, but it feels like ages. Sorry, I currently have family here from Canada visiting, and fifteen people in one house can be a bit crazy sometimes so I'm hardly on the computer while they're here. Even just writing this one post, it's taking me three attempts amidst tickle wars with my little cousin, Toy Story viewings, cannoli eating, and everything.

Although it's six days late, HAPPY NEW YEAR! New year, new beginnings... That's what I hope for every year. Though, new beginnings can't always be relied on... we often have to make our own beginnings. So what are you hoping to start in the new year? And do you have any new years resolutions?

Do you aim to change anything in the new year? Or was what you had in 2010 good enough? Perhaps you want it all to stay the same... Whatever it is, enjoy it! :)

My new years resolution? Courage. Just to be brave in everything I do... particularly following my dreams and pursuing all the great things in life I want to achieve. By this time next year, I want to be able to say that I knew what I wanted and I went for it.

Good luck with 2011! And I promise to try and post more often despite all the insanity surrounding me. haha :)