Monday, January 31, 2011


So we're now an entire month into 2011, and I'm wondering... How many people have already given up on their new year's resolutions? Have you all kept your minds on your goals? It has occurred to me how easy it is to just give up, and I know that's totally obvious, but it depends on how badly you really want it to work out for you in the end, and that's not always obvious.

Perhaps the time has come to re-evaluate the goals you had set out for yourself a month ago... Are you sure your grades are going to get higher just because you want them to, or should you be aiming more towards spending more time studying? And I know weight-loss is a popular one, but perhaps it's a matter of working on your self-esteem rather than your abs that should be a priority.*

It's easy to put a resolution out there that you're going to improve some aspect of your life, but the difficult part is realising why you want it. I'm sure that whatever your goal is, there is a way to get there. Just remember to start small; life isn't the easiest thing to change overnight. And always be sure that you're doing it for the right reasons, and you know the benefit you're truly looking to gain from it.

*Footnote; I would like to remind you that - despite the cliché - everyone has something unique and beautiful about them. And to the social obligations and general public views that say everyone should be anorexic and frighteningly skinny like those sticks on the runway, I say get real.


  1. *applauds*

    Speaking of things unique and beautiful, I must thank you for sharing your thoughts with the world. And thank you, most sincerely, for the smile your words always bring to my face.

    P ^_^

  2. That's really sweet, P :)
    Thanks.. I'm glad you enjoyed it
