Saturday, January 15, 2011

There is a difference.

There is a difference between following someone's lead and being empathetic. What I mean is, if someone you love and respect hates someone, do you follow their lead and hate them for their sake? Or is that just entirely judgemental?

I believe that if someone you love and respect was hurt by someone, then that should be enough to dislike them. When someone hurts my friend or family member, breaks them down into tears and whatever else their wretched souls possess them to do, that's it. I cannot bear their presence. And why should I? Evil people do evil things, and I can't stand by and watch idly as if nothing is wrong.

And that is also many people's unbearable fault... being fake. Being absolutely plastic and elastic. Why pretend everything is okay when it's not? Why pretend to like someone when you cannot stand them? What is the use of wearing that shiny plastic smile? Sure, maybe some will believe it, but you know you're not happy. And all your real feelings are going to build up, and one day... KABOOM! It all just blows up in your face.

And what are you left with then? Nothing. You weren't really happy with your plastic smile, you're not happy now because you have all this built up anger... But it is then you realise, and you learn from your mistakes. Silver lining? I suppose. But why start this whole thing in the first place? Just be real, and if you don't like someone, don't. We can't be friends with everyone. Why lose yourself and get hurt?

But to go back to where I started with this entry, don't hate someone to follow someone else's lead. If you don't like someone, it's for your own sake. Did they hurt you or someone you love? I have your back then. Listening to stories and rumours, and basing your feelings on such idiocy will get you nowhere.

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